June Running calendar free printable workout

Hello! The June Running and strength workout calendar is ready to go – are you? get the free printable calendar, running log and menu planner below. follow along to stay motivated this month!

Plus there are 2 days a week of strength exercises for runners – no weights or equipment required. These are moves that will help you run stronger. See the notes below for more information on how those exercises and the runs.
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

त्यसपछि उनी गएको थियो – पुस्तक समीक्षा
A good listen – book and Podcast review series
Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell – available on Audible, Amazon or wherever books are sold.

Is ‘Then She Was Gone’ a good listen? यहाँ मेरो समीक्षा छ!

For more reviews, links and suggestions check out RunEatRepeat.com

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 सेकेन्डको minutes मिनेट, 20 सेकेन्ड

Running tip stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak


If you’re already on the Run eat Repeat email list it should be in your inbox.Check your spam folder and if it’s not there either – Click here for the JUNE calendar for RUNNERS.

जून कसरत क्यालेन्डर धावकहरूका लागि

Get the June 2020 Running & strength workout calendar here. then you have 3 easy steps to make it a great month:

Print it out.

Set your goals for June.

Chase them down!

June calendar Notes:

Running – how long / number of miles?

If you are following a training plan – keep it up! You can do your runs and incorporate the strength moves into your plan for conditioning. listen to your body and don’t add or change anything if you’re feeling fatigued, sore or injured.

The Wednesday run suggests STRIDES – it’s a great speed exercise to do after an easy run (*if you don’t have speed work in your current training plan). You may have to switch this up to do the strides on an easy / short run day.

Note: Run training plans are written to balance pushing your endurance and fitness to improve without causing injury. adding in something extra (like speed work) puts additional wear and tear on your body. Don’t add in anything if you already feel like your body is sending any signals of potential injury or stress.

The main goal should always be to show up on race day feeling 100%. So make it a priority to give your body the rest and fuel it needs to recover and stay healthy. 

If you don’t have a training plan (right now) –

The calendar suggests 3 runs a week: Monday / Wednesday / Friday – plus Saturday as an optional day where you can choose if you want to run or do another activity.

If your goal is to stay fit and healthy aim for >>>  30 minutes of running (or run/walk) Monday / Wednesday / Friday.

If you have more time and a base level of fitness where you want to do more >>> 30-60 minutes of running may be a better range for you. check out this example of how much to run each week for inspiration to plan your runs for the week.

Running schedule Example:

Monday: 30-45 minute run

Tuesday: strength

Wednesday: 30 minute easy run & Strides

Thursday: strength

Friday: 30-60 minute run

Saturday: 30-60 minute run or other exercise

Sunday: Rest

Tip: keep track of all your runs in a running log.

(There’s a free printable running log with the workout calendar. but use whatever works for you… print-out, notebook, envelope, napkin, bathroom mirror, etc.)

This will help you see your progress, observe your body’s signals (good or bad) and track your mileage and pace so you have more information to decide if you’re ready to run more or run faster.

How To Do the strength exercises for June

The strength moves this month are all things you can do at home without any equipment. They are moves that will help strengthen your core, balance, upper body and lower body.

Tuesday’s moves are all standing – so you can do this workout outside, at a park, in your ex’s front yard, etc.

Thursday’s moves require use of the floor (sorry astronauts) and you may prefer to use a towel, yoga mat or cushion.


This month the strength workouts are counted by time not reps.

Do each exercise for 30 seconds / rest for 15 seconds. Repeat if you feel good and have time.

If it starts to get too easy increase the exercise time to 45 seconds / rest 15 seconds.

Tip: Make note of how long / how many sets you did and how you felt after on your running log. This will help you celebrate your progress!! and learn your body’s signs and recovery time.

Information To help You rock Your Running This Month: 

What’s a Stride and how to Do Them

What’s a virtual Race & how Do You Run One

7 tips to stay motivated training for a virtual Race

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the latest tips and updates!


Sharing is caring!



ठूलो गाडीको


चिठी पत्र


यी लिएर जान्छु:

अगस्ट चलिरहेको कसरत पालेन्डर नि: शुल्क छाप्न योग्य

अगस्ट चलिरहेको कसरत पालेन्डर नि: शुल्क छाप्न योग्य

चलिरहेको तालिका निःशुल्क छाप्न योग्य रनलेन्सर कन्सोर्न्डर। नयाँ धावकहरू र नयाँ धावकको लागि टिप्स र सुझावहरूको नयाँ महिना

स्वास्थ्य पात्रोको लागि चालु – सेप्टेम्बर 2020

स्वास्थ्य पात्रोको लागि चालु – सेप्टेम्बर 2020

चलिरहेको योजना सेप्टेम्बर क्यालेन्डर निःन्नलेन्स। रनर कसरत पात्रो 3 रन र 2 शक्ति प्रशिक्षण दिनहरूको साथ

चलिभोर क्यालेन्डर – जुलाई 2020 नि: शुल्क मुद्रण योग्य

चलिभोर क्यालेन्डर – जुलाई 2020 नि: शुल्क मुद्रण योग्य

चलिरहेको wornout क्यालेन्डर। जुलाई 2020 को लागि नि: शुल्क छाप्न योग्य यात्रा उपयोगीय प्रेरणा

डिसेम्बर क्यालेन्डर नि: शुल्क प्रिन्ट योग्य कसरत योजनाकर्ता

डिसेम्बर क्यालेन्डर नि: शुल्क प्रिन्ट योग्य कसरत योजनाकर्ता

नि: शुल्क चलिरहेको क्यालेन्डर र लग प्रिन्ट योग्य PDF। सेनर्स वर्ल्डर क्यालेन्डर रनर स्ट्रेन्डर प्रयोग गर्ने

चलिरहेको र शक्ति कसरतको क्यालेन्डर – मे 2020

चलिरहेको र शक्ति कसरतको क्यालेन्डर – मे 2020

नि: शुल्क छाप्न योग्य चलिरहेको र शक्ति प्रशिक्षण योजना क्यालेन्डर। सञ्चारक क्यालेन्डर बृद्धि गर्नेहरूका लागि रनसहरूको लागि शक्ति कार्यको साथ

व्यायाम र सुझावहरूको साथ धावकहरूको लागि कस्टआउट क्यालेन्डर – डिसेम्बर 201।

व्यायाम र सुझावहरूको साथ धावकहरूको लागि कस्टआउट क्यालेन्डर – डिसेम्बर 201।

कसरत र डिसेम्बर को लागी क्यालेन्डर चलिरहेको। शरीरको वजन व्यायाम र रननिनको साथ नयाँ धावकको लागि नि: शुल्क योग्य पात्रो

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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