You Can have Anything You want

I failed to remember my iced coffee cup at work last night so after my morning shift I had to purchase a refill at Coffee Bean. Darn

After a short morning shift I came house for lunch, then got to working on my new part time job. The shift of an additional hat to wear has been hectic, however I’m hoping it will soon be smooth sailing  
मेरो सबैभन्दा नयाँ भिडियोहरू

Running suggestion stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak
Running suggestion to stay healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak. Can you run as well as walk outside during the stay at house order? Here’s a pointer to assist you prevent touching your deal with …

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 25 seconds

Marathon training Day 5


I have been craving a bean as well as cheese burrito (hope I’m not low on iron) as well as lastly made one for lunch. (I likewise had a kiwi on the method house from work.)

Lunch left me wanting something wonderful so I made a dessert of PB as well as chocolate chips on a sandwich thin. lucky appeals is wrong – THIS is magically delicious!

I just recently heard this quote as well as Ben as well as I have been talking about it on as well as off for a few weeks:

“You can have ANYTHING you want, however you can’t have EVERYTHING.”

The original context was concerning work as well as youngsters as well as money, however it truly applies to all elements of life. part of me doesn’t want to believe we can’t have everything. I want everything! I want a great task that I love, pays well, has versatile hours as well as lets me go to blog conferences as well as races. I likewise want a huge home in an fantastic community as well as youngsters as well as to be pleased as well as satisfied and…

Basically, I want it all.  I was increased to believe I might have it all. I was told I ought to dream huge as well as reach for the stars!

Now that I’m an adult as well as online in the genuine world I recognize I have to prioritize what I want. I can have anything, however not necessarily everything. as well as I can still be happy.

It seems disappointing to find to terms with the truth that I’ll never be a backup dancer for Britney Spears or the next Katie Couric. But, I have an incredible life. as well as I can continue to have an incredible life as well as online out a few of my dreams if I figure out which ones I want to pursue.

It makes me feel defeated to believe I can’t have everything. But, it empowers me to believe I can have anything. Yes, I’ll have to work for it however that makes it much more gratifying too.

What does this have to finish with RER?

Today I realized “I can have anything, however I can’t have everything” applies to my weight loss struggles too. I can have an additional piece of chocolate cake OR I can have my denim in shape looser,  however I can’t have both.

What do you want:

A.) much more dessert

B.) The scale to go down

C.) all of the above (Dream world choice – does not apply in genuine life)

There is no best or wrong response on this test, just the response that would make me happier. It’s my life, my choice. I just requirement to decide.

Question: What do you think? Can we have Everything? Or Anything?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


keep choosing these:

My rest Day morning Routine

My rest Day morning Routine

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धावकहरूका लागि मानसिक प्रशिक्षण प्रकाश

धावकहरूका लागि मानसिक प्रशिक्षण प्रकाश

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Thations सुझावहरू यस महिना तपाईंको कार्यआउटहरूको साथ ट्र्याकमा रहनहरू

Thations सुझावहरू यस महिना तपाईंको कार्यआउटहरूको साथ ट्र्याकमा रहनहरू

Stiventing ब्यूँझन सुझावहरू प्रेरणा रहनको साथ साथै तपाईंको योजनाको साथ स्ट्यान्ड गर्नुहोस्। हास्यास्पद दौरन रेन्सर इन्स्टाग्राम भाडा @runeatrepeatat! कसरी कसरी गर्ने

ईमेल दिवालियापन साथै प्रेदी रनको रूपमा र ब्लग पोडकास्ट 8 86

ईमेल दिवालियापन साथै प्रेदी रनको रूपमा र ब्लग पोडकास्ट 8 86

नमस्कार !! ठ्याक्कै तपाईं कस्तो हुनुहुन्छ? धेरै भयो नबोलेको!! म वयस्क कार्यहरूको एक ठूलो सौदाको साथ धेरै उज्ज्वल भएको छु

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

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