
गरिबको पत्ता लगाउन कुञ्जीहरू ज्यादै राम्रो हुँदै गयो र द्रुत गतिमा बृद्धि गर्नका लागि

बाट बौरी उठेका साथै द्रुत टिप सोमबारको लागि रिपोर्ट गर्नुहोस् – तपाईं के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ? सुझाव: यो एक गरीब रन हुन निरुत्साहित हुँदैछ (वा धेरै गरिबहरूको संख्या)। साथ साथै यो पत्ता लगाउन…

पपस्कोर्न रोग

यो दिउँसो मैले खाजाको लागि एक पब्लिक्स उप बेलविचलाई उठायो। मलाई थाहा छैन यदि यो हो भने म तिनीहरूलाई सबै समय वा के गर्न सक्दिन, तर म सधैँ तिनीहरूलाई भेट्न आउँदछु जब…

Unexpectedly busy and Snacky

Today ended up being unexpectedly busy as I needed to finish up a few projects and wanted to find a gym. I didn’t take pics of my food because I was very…

Sushi as well as Trader Joes

After my massage I went to Trader Joes as well as came out with two new finds. I believe this very first one is going to make you jealous… Crunchy Salted Almond…

Second viewpoint on 2nd MD

I ran a few tasks this morning as well as rushed house very hungry for LUNCH!I utilized all this stuff plus cashews (cannot stop eating them – are they addictive to anybody…

FALL RUNNING favorites

Hello! Today’s the first day of fall (aka autumn aka Marathon season aka Pumpkin season aka pile on the Miles time aka…) – how long were you going to let me go…

It Hailed and candy scare

I finally satisfied my cottage cheese craving this afternoon. Not sure why or where it came from, but I needed some curdled cows milk asap. Done. Right before I had to go…